5AXISMAKER 5XM400 is employed for various kinds of research at Imperial College London's Dyson School of Design Engineering Lab
From secondary schools to universities, 5AXISMAKER machines are currently used to teach such topics as:
• How to make models and prototypes
• How CNC (Computer Numerical Control) technology works
• Research topics in additive and subtractive manufacturing
• 5-axis programming and machining
If you want to discuss your next educational or research project, would like us to feature your current project, or would like us to advise on your particular application, please get in touch.
A Lead Developer in the EC's Hybrid Manufacturing Project
5AXISWORKS is currently a lead developer in the "Directional Composites through Manufacturing Innovation (DiCoMI)" project, a four-year multinational effort funded by European Commission Horizon 2020.The goal of the project is the development of a low-cost hybrid system that will combine the fibre directionality obtained from 5-axis ME, a new additive manufacturing strategy also known as "5-axis printing," with the accuracy obtained from other machining techniques. Other research partners include Loughborough University in the UK, Lund University in Sweden, the National Aerospace University in the Ukraine, FIBREX in Romania, Guhring in Germany, Kordsa in Turkey and Intelligentsia Consultants in Luxembourg.
Antvorskov Skole in Denmark
In this public school, teachers integrate 5-axis prototyping into their classes, so that math, physics, programming and model-making skills can be utilized for various robotic building competitions in Europe.
Oundle School in Peterborough, UK
Founded in 1556, the Oundle School is now one of Britain's leading educational institutions, propelled by its famous design, engineering and technology departments. By making various automotive prototypes on a 5AXISMAKER machine and testing the models in a wind tunnel, students move seamlessly from manufacuring theory to practice.
Loughborough University in England's East Midlands
Research papers from Loughborough University utilizing the 5AXISMAKER:
Aligning Material Extrusion Direction with Mechanical Stress via 5-Axis Tool Paths
For more 5-axis printing click here